3D Computer Graphics


Computer Graphics covers the set of techniques enabling the synthesis of animated virtual worlds. The applications range from entertainment (special effects, 3D feature films, video games) to industrial design (modelling and visualizing prototypes) and virtual reality (flight simulator, interactive walk-trough). This course introduces the domain by presenting the bases for the creation of 3D models, their animation, and the rendering of the corresponding 3D scene. Student will practice through programming exercices in OpenGL.



  • Ensimag (in french)
    • Lectures (Tuesday 11h15-12h45): Thibault Tricard
    • Practicals group 1 (Tuesday 13h30-15h00): Pacôme Luton
    • Practicals group 2 (Tuesday 13h30-15h00): Thibault Tricard
    • Practicals group 3 (Tuesday 13h30-15h00): Manon Vialle

In the following schedule, lectures are in blue and lab sessions in green:

Week Date First slot Second slot
1 04/02 Introduction Practical 1: Triangle meshes
2 11/02 Rendering Pipeline & Vertex Shader Practical 1: Vertex Shader
3 18/02 Rendering Pipeline & Rasterizer and Depht Buffer Practical 3: Rasterizer and Depht Buffer
4 25/02 Rendering Pipeline & Fragment Shader and Shading Practical 4: Fragment Shader and Shading
5 11/03 Révision & Présentation du projet Project Session 1
6 18/03 Reading articles Project Session 2
7 25/03 Reading articles Project session 3
8 01/04 Reading articles Project session 4
9 08/04 Reading articles Project session 5
10 15/04 Reading articles Project session 6
11 22/04 Project Defense



This course will be evaluated through:

  • A project assignement in  Python, per group of 2 or 3 students (50% of the final course mark)
  • A 2h written exam (50% of the final course mark)